Meet The Founders


Co-Founder / Director / Game Designer / Level Designer

I have been designing and programming games since I was a kid, and Iā€™m currently studying an Advanced Diploma in Game Design. I love to play around with unity and unreal in my free time. Although my focus is PC, I have also published multiple mobile games. I got into gaming as a little kid through games like Age of Mythology and Empire Earth, and have been addicted ever since. My passion lies in strategy and story driven games.


Co-Founder / Director / Game Designer / Sound Designer

I am a musician and programmer currently studying an Advanced Diploma in Game Design. As far back as I can remember, I have always had a passion for video games and I enjoy picking them apart to see how they tick.


Co-Founder / Director / Marketing / Game Designer

Since 2014 I have dreamed about starting my own Indie Game Studio. I've always been deeply passionate about games, it's what drives my ambitions and goals for the future. I'm currently studying a Bachelor of Psychology and applying that knowledge into my game design, marketing, and management.


Co-Founder / Director / Marketing

I am a visual designer with a strong interest in UX and UI design systems. I had my first gaming console at age four and was PC gaming by the age of ten! I love videography, cosplay, brutalist design, as well as any art that breaks the boundaries of its perceived conventions.